Witness cards print on standard business card stock. The cards provided here are an easy way to spread the word. The publisher file is configured to print a standard sheet of business cards (10 per page). if you don't have MS Publisher, you can use the JPEG file with whatever program you use. Enjoy!!
A Positive Thought - a wonderful card that tells you what God thinks of you as His child.
Meaning Of The Candy Cane - tells how the candy cane was made to symbolize Jesus Christ.
And Death - "The wages of sin DEATH, the gift of God is LIFE"
Out Of Hell Free - This is my favorite card. It has the Romans Road scriptures on the back.
Love - A touching reminder of Christ's sacrifice.
Hi! - The back side of this card offers a short testimony and the plan of salvation.
You Meet Me - Another variation of "if you meet Jesus".
If You Were On Trial - It's a question you have to ask yourself.
If We Meet - A short word about the importance of remembering Jesus.
Jesus Christ - I always tell people that this is my boss's card.
Jesus - the back of this card tells how a man can go to heaven without many things, but not without Jesus.
- Each day is special. Make the most of it.
Party At God's House - there's a party at God's house!!! Bring your own Bible!!!
Ten Commandments
- a ready reminder of God's commandments.
Ten Commandments Period - His commandments are not open to negotiation.
Thanksgiving - A prayer of Thanksgiving.
The Clock - Time's running out. The back of this card has a few scriptures that lead to salvation.
Walk A Little Slower, Daddy - Our little ones are always looking to us as an example. This card is a good reminder. On the back, there are fatherhood scriptures.
You May Tie Your Shoes - This one speaks for itself.
You Were On His Mind - It's nice to know that He was thinking about you.